
  •       Assessment is important to establish goals in the classroom  
  •     I know that it can be an emotional process filled with stress and anxiety
  •     It can be used as something to motivate students using positive encouragement.
  •    My Philosophy: Each student is a unique individual. Our job as educators is to teach lessons based on their individual learning levels.
  • This connects to assessment because we must use each student's abilities to organize and create our lessons and set common goals for achievement.

  •  What are some strategies to motivate students with assessment?
  • How do we differentiate our assessments for those who need differentiated instruction 
  • Where are the best resources for assessment and differentiated assessment?
  • Why do we still use standardized assessments?

  • we must make our learning criteria clear to our students to ensure success
  • We can make our students aware that they are being assessed on their learning skills and work habits
  • We must take students with exceptionalities into consideration when creating an assessment tool, and design it to meet their learning needs.
  • The achievement chart is a broad assessment tool that teachers use to build their own assessment tools based on the level of their students. 
  • we must always plan our lessons with assessment in mind, we must make sure that we set goals and discuss the criteria for high achievement thoroughly to our students in order to motivate them to be successful. 

Assessment Strategy Chart 

Growing Success Policies

My Professional Learning Goals (1goal for each Policy)
Strategies For Meeting My Goals (1 strategy for each Policy)
Annotated Resources
(2 Sources for each Policy) 
I would like to ensure that there is an open dialogue between not only my students and myself but also between the parents and myself. 
using available applications such a google classroom or remind to ensure there is open communication between myself, my students and their parents. 
Remind  - the website for the application, it has many resources and good ways to ensure an open communication

Google Classroom - An application that I can use to keep open communication. I think I may lean more towards this application more so because Google products are more popular and are more commonly used. 
POLICY Learning Skills & Work Habits
To allow students to be successfully organized with learning skills and habits in order to do well in their adult lives. 
find various resources that can help me to teach healthy work habits, to which I am sure I can learn a few things to better my own learning skills and work habits. 

Edugains learning skills and work habits- this is the edugains website giving some great strategies and ideas to help students develop good learning skills and healthy work habits.

Ideas for introducing learners to essential skills and work habits-
this resource is designed to give teachers different strategies to help foster the growth of good work habits and learning skills.

POLICY Performance Standards: The Achievement Chart
I will learn to use the achievement chart as a guideline to gauge my students' learning, however, I will create an achievement chart based on the individual learning styles of my students. 
I would like to combine the information found on multiple achievements charts to create a rubric that best suits the students in my class. 
The DSBN achievement chart  - this is the achievement chart that the district school board of Niagara has on their website. I may use this as a resource for making assessment tools in my upcoming placement

Growing Success Achievement chart - I feel as though we should consult with the growing success achievement chart for all of Ontario so that our standards remain somewhat in line with those of the province. 
POLICY Assessment FOR learning and AS learning
to learn how to assess my students in for learning and as learning in an equitable manner in order to ensure their success. 
 Finding different resources to help differentiate my assessment, and using resources that help me to make success criteria in an equitable manner

 5 tips to equitable instruction - Tips that help the teacher to ensure they are teaching and assessing their students in an equitable manner.

Success Critera Archives - web page with various articles on how teachers can help students to be the most successful in all areas of learning. 
I would like to make sure that I collaborate with colleagues in order to create equitable evaluation strategies.
Keeping in touch with other colleagues and working together to build evaluation tools to ensure equitable evaluation.  OECD - an article that discusses the ways in which we can collaboratively improve evaluation strategies to help student success.
Assessment Evaluation and Reporting - The Toronto district school board's document on effective evaluation, and the difference between assessment and evaluation. 
POLICY Reporting Student Achievement
I would like to create an efficient way to conduct my reports on student achievement while still keeping my assessment personal and equitable.

Keeping a rolling document of my previous report comments, and finding resources to help me write reports in an efficient manner.
using data to improve student achievement-
a resource that gives teachers ideas on how to continuously record student achievement so that reporting can be done in an efficient manner.

Advice for writing student reports - although it is unclear wether this is a canadian source, it does present some good strategies that I can apply to my own student report writing.

POLICY English Language Learners
I would like to cater my assessments to their learning needs and learn to differentiate my assessments so that they may be successful. 
Resources that will help me to learn how to differentiate assessments for English Language Learners. 
ELL assessments - a resource that has various strategies on how to assess ESL learners in an equitable manner.

Using informal assessment for English Language Learners- this article explains why it is more effective to assess ELL's informally, and it lists some effective ways of carrying out informal assessments to ensure the success of ELL's in your class.

Assessment Reflection Prompts. 

1)Think about how you will use your Assessment page of your Digital Portfolio during your first teaching block. Provide 2 examples (1 paragraph for each)

Firstly, I know that in my practicum I will be able to use the resources I found in order to achieve the goals that I have listed for myself. The resources that I have found will help me to achieve my goals I know that they will allow me to ensure my goals are met. I also think that using the resources I found in my digital portfolio will give me the chance to decide whether or not they truly are beneficial and helpful resources. I know that in many instances resources may seem good at first glance but once they are put into practice they may not work with the specific needs of my class. I know that each student is different, and each classroom that I will teach in will be different, using these resources will help me to discover which resources will work best in any given situation. 

Secondly, I will use my digital portfolio as a way to keep track of my teaching goals and as a tool to continue adding teaching goals. I know that as I begin my teaching block I will have my goals in mind and I will try my best to carry out my plans to achieve those goals. What I particularly like about my digital portfolio is that it is a living document where I am able to add and change it as I gain more experience and learn more about assessment, classroom management and just teaching overall. 

2)Choose one professional learning goal from the Chart that you will explore in block 1. Develop "I can" statements to identify how you will know you've reached your goal.
my goal: I will learn to use the achievement chart as a guideline to gauge my students' learning, however, I will create an achievement chart based on the individual learning styles of my students. 

  • I can use the achievement chart as a guideline
  • I can develop my own success criteria 
  • I can personalize my success criteria based on the needs of my students
  • I can create various assessment tools using the achievement chart as a guide
  • I can also develop my own assessment tools based on the learning levels of my students

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